What to expect at a peer support group meeting

Talking with other women who have survived postpartum depression can be extremely helpful.  Support groups offer the opportunity to validate experiences, share coping strategies, and gain support and encouragement.

What You Can Expect
Our support group starts on time (call (757) 349-6441 for more information); however we welcome all comers whenever you can get there.

Toys and board books are available for any babies that join us.

Chairs are setup in a circle.

Feeding your baby anyway you choose to is always welcome.

Any new mothers will be asked to provide contact information which is only available to the facilitators to enable us to follow-up with any information requested.

The facilitators begin by welcoming everyone and stating that this is a supportive and healing place and that everything shared within the meeting is confidential.

Everyone is invited to introduce themselves and let us know anything you would like to share.

The facilitators may bring up a topic for discussion, such as 'dealing with anxiety', 'anger and irritability', 'expectations vs. reality', 'self care techniques', or 'how to ask for help', or the group may watch a video, hear an invited guest expert, or have a totally organic conversation.

Expect more laughter than crying; however, tissues are always available.

15 minutes before the end of group the facilitators will let everyone know that 15 minutes remain.

Paper and pens are available to write down any information you want to remember during the meeting.